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You, and Only You, Are Responsible For What is Happening in Your Life


Are you happy with the results you are experiencing in your life right now (your career, your relationships, your health, your finances, etc.)? The fact is, your results are a reflection of you(your thoughts, decisions, choices, actions). In other words, youcreated the results you are currently experiencing!


The good news is that you can create new, different results if you are not happy with your current results. Before I explain how, it is important to understand that you need to reflect on what it is you want to change, in other words what are you dissatisfied with (know where you are before you choose where you want to go…imagine trying to give someone directions on where to go if they can’t give you their present position).

Once you are awarewhat you want to change, you can choose what changes to make to create the results you desire in your life. If you continue to do the same things as before, you cannot expect different results. You therefore need to decide what you are going to do differently.


I recently heard a saying on the radio, namely “Everything you have is within you. All you need is a catalyst to bring it out”. When you invest in your potential, you will awaken what Goethe refers to as the “genius, power and magic within you”.

Choose not to stay on the side-lines watching yourself as a victim of circumstance! When you acknowledge that your input shapes your circumstances, you will cease to be a victim, and you will cease to use the ABC language of a victim (Accuse, Blame, and Complain). If you are honest with yourself and draw up a list of everything that ever happened to you, you will see how you helped create it.

So CHOOSE to do things differently.


Firstly, change your PHILOSOPHY (your way of thinking). Stop blaming other people/situations for your results (i.e. the government, your boss, taxes, the economy, your negative relatives). Accept responsibility for your own results. When you blame others, you give away your power to effect change, because you are shifting the blame, and adopting the mental attitude of “what can I do about it?” Shame…poor you. Unfortunately this attitude will not help you design a better life.


Secondly, change your EMOTIONAL STATE OF MIND. This emotional state dictates how you react or respond to situations you encounter or things that happen to you. When someone snubs you, do you snub them back, or do you choose to show understanding and kindness? When a rude driver (in South Africa we can relate this to taxi drivers) cuts in front of you, how do you react? Remember, animals react. Kids react. We adults, however, can choose to respond. Respond comes from the word responsibility. As long as we are alive, we have the ability to choose our response. Our emotional state will determine what responses we choose.

Sure, we can’t always choose what happens to us, such as being struck with a disease, or being a victim of crime, but we can choose how we respond to them.

Abraham Lincoln said: “People are about as happy as they choose to be”. Do your responses demonstrate that you choose to be happy, or unhappy? It’s your choice.

Gary Zukav, an American author, believes that people decide to live either in “fear and doubt”, or in “love and trust”. What have you chosen?

In my next blog, I will develop the theme of “Investing in your potential”, which will further demonstrate how you can change your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes to design a better life for yourself.

“Contact Eberhard TODAY for your FREE 30-minute Zoom CONSULTATION to learn more about how to unlock your potential and accelerate the results you want in your life.”

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