Do you have a clear idea of what the future holds for you? Is it crystal clear? Clarity is power.

Sadly, many people do not have a ‘future to walk into’ because they are stuck in the past. Instead of being ‘focused on their future, they are looking into the rear-view mirror’, as it is were, bogged down by their past failures, misfortunes, disappointments, and adversities. Along with these memories they nurture negative emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness and even hatred.

Imagine someone walking with a sack filled with rocks. Each of these rocks represent their past failures and misfortunes, along with their negative feelings of hatred and resentment.

Do you know how a farmer catches a monkey on a farm? Knowing that monkeys love pumpkin seed, he makes a hole in a large ‘boerpampoen’ just big enough for a monkey squeeze its hand through. However, when the monkey fills its hand with pumpkin seed, it can no longer pull its hand out. The monkey can see the farmer walking towards him with a stick or even worse, a gun! All the monkey has to do to survive is to ‘let go’ of the seed. But alas it doesn’t!

The same is true for people, who ‘hold onto their past’. All they need to do to ‘walk into a bright future’ is “learn to let go”. This may well also include learning to forgive both others as well as yourself. Nothing is ever accomplished by negative thoughts and feelings about your past mistakes. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t ‘camp’ there. Move on. Be strong. Have a clear vision of your new, better future.

Bill Gate exemplified the power of vision. Decades ago, when most people scoffed at the idea of the need for computers, Bill Gates’ vision was ‘a computer on every desk and in every home’. Believable, Credible, Doable, Achievable. At least it was to him.

Clarity is power. Get clear on your vision for your future. It’s in your hands to design your future. It starts with a vision.

In my following article, I will expound on the ‘E’ in our acronym INVEST. E=Enthusiasm.

I = Inspiration

N = No Problems, Only Opportunities

V = Vision

E = Enthusiasm

S =

T =

(Eberhard Niklaus does motivational talks at conferences and public events, as well as Team Coaching using StrengthsFinder techniques based on over 50 years of research done by Gallup scientists)

“Contact Eberhard TODAY for your FREE 30-minute Zoom CONSULTATION to learn more about how to unlock your potential and accelerate the results you want in your life.”

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